Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Obey and Witness


Obey and Witness

Jn 2:5 “Do whatever He tells you.”

I started praying and discerning on going for mission when I heard my sister’s stories when she went to Kenya last year for a mission. I was awed and fascinated with her stories that it made me teary-eyed.  It was during our national assembly last May when the 13 in 2013 was formally launched. 13 countries were presented to be the mission areas this year.  Mauritius was one of the countries and when I saw it, I immediately signed up.  As I waited for the exact dates of Mauritius Mission, I continued to pray for it but it was in my first SCG that changes were made. Mauritius was removed from the list and was changed to Zimbabwe. Then I remember that last year, I was praying for one of the African countries for a mission, the Lord really granted my desire. I conditioned myself for Zimbabwe mission and even very vocal to my household and chapter heads about my discernment of going to Zimbabwe for a mission.

Two weeks prior to the expected dates of Team Uganda to leave from UAE, I received a call from my sister about her decision of going with the team. I was surprised because she was discerning for Lebanon.  Aside from that she wanted me to go with her but I was very reluctant because of my discernment for Zimbabwe.  She was very persistent of pursuing me to go with her so I challenged her. In the company where I’m working, I have to file 2 months prior to the expected date of my leave. So I challenged if God really wanted me to go for Uganda mission, my leave will be approved without any hang-ups.  Immediately I spoke to my other two colleagues of my plan to go for 2 weeks leave and without any second thought they agreed. The following day, I went to my supervisor for his approval and in a matter of seconds he took my leave forms and approved. When I went out from the office, I was jumping with joy and even said a prayer that Lord, this is really your will, so I will go for it. I immediately called my sister about the great news and we started planning for the mission trip.

                That time, I was so worried about our finances since we have ongoing house renovations in Philippines and we are also helping my cousin for her chemotherapy.   It made me to think twice then because I could use the money both for the house renovation and my cousin’s treatment instead. I asked the Lord’s leading and guidance. I continued to pray for our needs especially in our financial aspects. Lo and behold, He really arranged everything for me and for my sister. Our Lord God sent angels for our desire of Uganda Mission to push through. We were able to get our tickets in very affordable rates with the help of one of our SFC sisters in Abu Dhabi. She was actually one of my sister’s household leaders until she was moved to another unit. She even asked her boss to remove all the extra charges, taxes and commissions for the ticket rate. Lastly, she informed us that she took permission from her boss that we will be paying the ticket at the month end salary. Her boss approved with her signature as our guarantor.  Wow! I experienced again God’s providence and love through the community.

                In this mission, I really laid down all my worries to our Lord. When I was asked to give the talk about Repentance and Faith, I was a bit scared. I asked God why of all the 12 talks, why repentance and faith. I was so scared thinking that I cannot deliver the talk and convey to the participants the message. Usually in CLPS, per talk is given in  45minutes or an hour but in Uganda, I was given only 20 minutes for it. The day came for the talk; I still don’t know what to do. I asked the Lord’s wisdom and leading. I prayed Lord allow me to decrease that you would increase, the moment that I will be standing in front our participants; I know it is not me who is speaking but You. Then I remember the verse for the MEX, in Acts 1:8 “and you will be witnesses for me to the ends of the earth. “  The moment I stood and declaring how I was transformed and changed with this talk, I was talking spontaneously.  I stood in front of our Ugandan brothers and sisters merely as a witness of God’s love and mercy. In this mission I learned to surrender everything my worries, my doubts and my fears to our great God. I know that these things are nothing compare to our Great Healer and Provider.  I learned to be humbled that in all things I do, I should put Christ in the center of it and definitely it will be a victory.

                One of the main reasons why I wanted to go for a mission is a change of heart. My prayer was “Lord allow me to go for a mission so that I will learn to appreciate the things that you have blessed me. Send me to the place away from my comfort zone and let me continue to seek you most especially in difficult times.” 

In Uganda, I experienced His undying love through the team I was with.  I saw Jesus in them through their dedication and love in service. The six day we were together is full of exciting times. We came from different emirates in UAE but when we were in Uganda, we served joyfully as one family, sons and daughters of God. We are so blessed with individual talents and skills that made our mission worthwhile. I love those times when we were very tired from day’s service and during our night session and reflection I could still see the smiles in our faces. Those smiles are priceless. I thank God for allowing me to meet and build relationship with these beautiful people. He really paved the way for us to meet miles away from UAE and through this mission; we were able to build a bond that is worth remembering.

I am so grateful for this mission. If I never said yes for this, I would never experience these priceless moments. I would never experience the beauty of Africa, the warmth accommodation we got from our brothers and sisters in Uganda, the sweetest pineapples I’ve ever tasted and the inspiration I got from them. With nothingness, they still strive to hear God’s words. If I never obey God’s invitation as his witness to this place, I would miss his abundance of love, his ever loving grace and bountiful providence. This mission I can say is a fulfillment for me as a SFC. It was an eye opener for me to experience more of his greatness that he continually blesses me. I thanked God for granting my desires. I firmly believe that in all things that we desire as long as it is God centered He will definitely grant it.  We just need to learn to be humbled and surrender it to Him. I know that I have so many worries prior to the mission but if God’s will He will surely prepare the way for us. My prayer now is “Lord continue to use me, may I be your witness of your undying love and mercy to us. I know that there are more exciting times to come. Lord God thank you for always putting joy in my heart, I will continue to say yes to your invitation and continue to proclaim how great You are to the ends of the earth. As Mary commanded to the servants “Do Whatever He tells you”, may I like be the servants who without hesitation responded so well. I know that you will be alongside me, equipping me and giving me courage to be your witness. Thank you Father.” May God be praised!

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